
This 221 acre property located just south of Philomath along Evergreen Creek was acquired by Greenbelt Land Trust in 2009. With 44 acres of wetlands, existing ash swales, and remnant prairies, Evergreen is a property the offers substantial restoration potential, helping to enhance water quality and wildlife habitat in the Muddy Creek Watershed, a priority conservation area as identified by the Oregon Conservation Strategy. Since acquiring this property GLT has partnered with Marys River Watershed Council and the Institute for Applied Ecology to enable hundreds of middle school students to use the property as a ‘learning laboratory’.

Wildlife & Plants

Focal and priority species include prairie plants, red legged frog, western gray squirrel, western meadowlark, western bluebird, acorn woodpecker, Oregon vesper sparrow, yellow breasted chat, and waterfowl.

Building a Conservation Footprint

The Evergreen property is located along Evergreen Creek within the Muddy Creek Watershed, and has been identified as a priority region for conservation within the Oregon Conservation Strategy.

Together, Making a Difference

The permanent protection of the Evergreen property was enabled through a strong partnership with the prior landowners, and funding through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and USFWS North American Wetlands Conservation Act.


The Evergreen Management Plan guides restoration activities that will provide a home to native species, opportunities for education, and a place to form partnerships between Greenbelt Land Trust, neighbors, schools, agencies, and other organizations. Western Oregon prairie, oak savanna, wetland, riparian, and aquatic ecological systems will be restored and maintained to provide habitat and connectivity for associated native species.  Over the next 15 years the Management Plan outlines the restoration of farm fields to riparian forest, oak savanna, prairie and wet­lands.

Public Access

Access to Evergreen is limited to GLT-led tours and events at this time

Evergreen Information Sheet and Map