Calling all Greenbelt members! You are invited to this special members-only walk with us as we explore Little Willamette, a privately-owned conservation area stewarded by Greenbelt Land Trust near the Willamette River in Albany. This site has an abundance of spring wildflowers, ponds, and wildlife. We’ll walk through prairies and oak woodlands and enjoy a brown bag picnic at sunset.
GLT Restoration Manager and resident plant expert, Matt Blakeley-Smith, will help identify native wildflowers while sharing information about GLT’s efforts to restore native habitats and species on the property. This walk is a rare opportunity to walk a conservation area that most folks don’t get to see!
This was is part of a series of ‘Members-Only’ outings … just one of the many incentives to become and renew your membership. If you are not a member, simply become one and you are eligible for these fun events! Become a member HERE.