Lead by Ed Jensen, Professor Emeritus, OSU College of Forestry
The first hour of this 2-hour workshop will be conducted inside Greenbelt’s Bald Hill farm house and will improve your ability to identify trees and shrubs in general. In it, you will hone your knowledge of key plant characteristics and learn to use the identification key in Shrubs to Know in Pacific Northwest Forests to identify unknown shrubs. The second hour will consist of a walking tour on the gentle trails around Bald Hill Farm, during which you will apply the skills you learned in the first hour.
If you already own a copy of Shrubs to Know in Pacific Northwest Forests (OSU Extension Circular 1640) please bring it. If not, we will have copies for purchase (proceeds going to Greenbelt), and will have several copies to loan.
Ed Jensen is an award-winning educator and author who spent nearly 40 years teaching OSU students (and others) about the identification and ecology of the trees and shrubs that comprise Northwest forests.
Thank you for your interest, this workshop has been filled.