Learn more about the work we do by getting to know the lands we are working on! Hover over the thumbnails below for a description and photo of the landscapes that Greenbelt Land Trust has been protecting and restoring for 34 years or click on the links to the right to learn more …
This 120 acre property, protected in 2009, is perched high above the confluence of the Willamette, Luckiamute River, and Santiam Rivers and nearby to the 900 acre Luckiamute State Natural Area. With strong ecological and cultural resources on the property Willamette Bluffs has an active restoration schedule to enhance and expand wetlands, woodlands, and prairies. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Soap Creek is a 9 acre property protected by GLT in 2003, consisting of Douglas Fir Forest, Upland Prairie, and Pond Habitat. The property is being managed to encourage old-growth forests in collaboration with the landowners. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
This 95 acre property was acquired by GLT in 2002, following an Open Space Bond Measure in Corvallis, which allowed the City of Corvallis to purchase an additional 132 acres of Owens Farm. GLT’s portion abuts Jackson and Frazier Creeks, and has remnant oak savanna habitat that is undergoing active habitat enhancement. Owens Farm, a century farm, was purchased from the same family who settled the property in the 1850’s. With strong cultural and ecological resources, Owens Farm is a treasure for Corvallis residents. *GLT plans to develop a light-impact trail system at Owens Farm, but is currently accessible only through GLT led tours and events
Jackson Frazier Wetlands is a 4 acre parcel that was donated to GLT in 1999, and is part of an extended system managed by Benton County Natural Areas and Park’s Jackson Frazier Wetlands. The property is also adjacent to GLT Protected Owens Farm, helping to build an extended network of conserved lands to protect the wetland’s hydrology. Jackson Frazier Wetlands is a popular birding and wildlife viewing site, and has a raised boardwalk trail for all to enjoy.
Fitton Green is at the heart of GLT, purchased in sections throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s. GLT eventually donated the property to Benton County, while retaining conservation easements across 143 acres of this 300 acre park. With unparalleled vistas of Marys Peak and miles of hiking trails, Fitton Green is a popular destination point for recreationists, while also being a critical wildlife and upland prairie plant corridor. Named after GLT Founder Elsie ‘Fitton’ Ross, Fitton Green should be a destination point for anyone looking to enjoy the grandeur of the Willamette Valley.
Bald Hill Farm is a 587 acre property purchased by GLT in 2013 after a three year community campaign to protect this iconic landscape. With 3 miles of public trails, three federally listed endangered plant species, and a diverse array of habitats, Bald Hill Farm is truly one of a kind. Lying at the heart of prairie recovery plans throughout the County, Bald Hill Farm will be undergoing active habitat enhancements, while continuing to allow adaptive grazing models. While the entire property is not publicly accessible because of the active farming operations, there are 3 miles of public trail systems on the Farm to enjoy year-round!
This property is located in beautiful Kings Valley and encompasses 218 acres abutting the Luckiamute River, Maxfield Creek and Price Creek. From legacy cottonwood trees to native prairie flowers, this land features prairie and riparian habitat, fruit and nut orchards, hay fields and pastures, elk grazing, as well as educational opportunities for the adjacent Kings Valley Charter School. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
These 6 acres includes a mixed hardwood forest located just north of Corvallis and was permanently protected by GLT in 1997 through a land donation by David and Jean Kliewer. Forest Dell Park is owned and managed by Corvallis Parks and Recreation. Local nature enthusiasts will enjoy a walk on the Park’s short loop trail.
The very first acquisition completed by GLT in 1989, these 41 acres on the west side of Bald Hill Natural Area are a critical component to the Park’s trail system. Eventually donated to the City of Corvallis in 1993 to manage within the overall Park system, GLT retains a conservation easement on the land, and collaborated with the City on management practices. A plaque along the trail outlines the hundreds of people who came together to help purchase the property over 2 decades ago. Come and visit this publicly accessible area!
199 acres of upland prairie and oak savanna near Philomath was permanently protected by GLT in 2008. Lone Star Ranch continues to operate as a small family cattle ranch, while integrating prairie restoration to enhance habitat for species such as the Fender’s blue butterfly and its host plant, Kincaid’s lupine. With incredible views of Marys Peak and undulating hills and valleys, Lone Star Ranch is a site to be seen. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Newton Creek is a 7 acre property that lies adjacent to Newton Creek. This wetland prairie property was permanently protected by GLT in 1998 and is adjacent to Lupine Meadows, a key upland prairie property protected by GLT in 2005. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Purchased by GLT in 2005, Lupine Meadows is a critical upland and wet prairie property that is home to multiple endangered and sensitive plant and wildlife species, including the Fender’s blue butterfly and its host plant, Kincaid’s lupine. In addition, the property has over 30 acres of ash swales and wetland forests along Newton Creek tributaries, a once predominant habitat of the lower Willamette Valley regions. Restoration is ongoing on the property, including controlled burns, and prairie and riparian plantings. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
A primarily wetland property, the 221 acre Evergreen property abuts miles of twisting tributaries of Evergreen Creek, a important system within the Muddy Creek Watershed. Purchased by GLT in 2009, Evergreen is a site undergoing extensive habitat enhancement, focused on the wetland and upland regions. In collaboration with partners such as Marys River Watershed Council and the Institute for Applied Ecology, Evergreen is also used as a flagship site for hundreds of students in the Philomath and Corvallis School Districts to visit annually and conduct field days and plantings. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Harkens Lake, protected by GLT through multiple projects between 2011-2017, is an incredible floodplain property along the Willamette River just north of Monroe. This property, along with adjacent state and county parks, is home to forests, sloughs, and side-channels of the Willamette River and has been identified as a keystone property in the protection and restoration of native fish populations. In collaboration with the landowners GLT is actively working on restoration initiatives, including reconnecting side-channels and floodplains to the Willamette River and establishing over 300 acres of floodplain forest and prairies over the next five years. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Little Willamette, a 199 acre property protected by GLT in 2009, is located in Linn County between Corvallis and Albany along a stretch of the Willamette River that has been identified as a keystone site for floodplain conservation and restoration. This property builds onto an extended network of state, county, and GLT protected lands that have created a 1700 acre conservation footprint along the River. Home to a historical side-channel of the Willamette River and important wildlife species, including Western pond turtles and red legged frogs, Little Willamette is a key property for floodplain restoration, while also being used as a ‘learning laboratory’ for middle schooler’s within the Albany school district. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
Horseshoe Lake is a 236 acre property located in Linn County along the Willamette River between Corvallis and Albany. This historic oxbow of the Willamette River was originally protected in collaboration with three landowners in 2012, with an additional 61 acres being added in 2013. This property builds onto an extended network of state, county, and GLT protected lands that have created a 1700 acre conservation footprint along the River. *Only accessible through GLT led tours and events
The 39-acre conservation easement was donated in 1996 to protect agricultural and scenic values of this property. Located on the Kings Valley scenic highway, the property has historically been utilized as a small farm and animal husbandry operation, and will remain as a working farm, according to the terms of the easement.
The 170 acre Mulkey Ridge Forest was acquired and permanently protected in 2015 and serves as a key connector for open space and trails between Bald Hill Farm and Fitton Green Natural Area. The property is primarily forested, with a 1.5 mile trail connected to adjacent protected lands.
The 200 acre Courtney Creek property was permanently protected in 2017 and has a unique remnant wet prairie system that is home to one of the largest populations of the endangered plant Bradhsaw's lomatium remaining in the Willamette Valley.
The 155 acre Kingston Prairie Preserve property was permanently protected in 2018 and is home to one of the best examples of native wet prairie habitat remaining in the Willamette Valley.
The 406 acre Santiam Kingston Hills property was permanently protected by Greenbelt Land Trust in 2018, creating a conservation corridor along the North Santiam River of over 1,000 acres. This dynamic property contains riparian, prairie, forest, and wetland habitats.
The 35 acre Muddy Creek property was permanently protected by Greenbelt Land Trust in 2019. This dynamic property contains riparian, prairie, forest, and wetland habitats.